
Technical Requirements for a Remote Deposition

Remote depositions are now an immovable fact of life in the legal world. While they’ve really been around on the federal level for decades, the marriage of improving tech and necessity has recently made remote depositions standard procedure for law firms of any size. The ability to utilize today’s top legal technology gives these firms…

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judge hammer

Online Deposition Features Attorneys Need

A deposition is an effective method for gathering evidence for a trial. Deposition testimony is so significant that witnesses were required to provide their testimony remotely to keep proceedings going during the pandemic lockdown.  In fact, it’s believed that 90% of depositions were online at the height of the pandemic. Online depositions are quickly becoming…

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How Much Does a Video Deposition Cost

How Much Does a Video Deposition Cost?

A video deposition has all the same elements as a traditional deposition, but instead of being conducted in a conference room, a video deposition is conducted in a virtual setting and recorded. A video deposition can offer a number of potential advantages to legal proceedings, including: Offering compelling evidence in court Allowing individuals who live…

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How to Conduct a Professional Video Conference Deposition

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more attorneys are resorting to a video conference deposition to safely collect witness testimony. In complex cases with several witnesses, it’s often not feasible for each party to travel to depositions. Video conferencing platforms offer attorneys the ability to depose witnesses who are out of state or are…

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Video Deposition Software: How It’s Changing the Justice System

Today’s video deposition software is much different from tools of the past, with some platforms offering everything participants need in one, streamlined solution, including HD video, AI-based transcription, and private breakout rooms.  With video deposition software, witnesses, lawyers, videographers, and court reporters remain in separate locations, with some settings including home offices, bedrooms, and conference…

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Best Features of a Legal Video Deposition Platform

Networked computing is arguably one of the high points of modern technology, and its expansion raised a natural question among legal professionals: Why can’t legal video depositions be conducted remotely? The COVID-19 pandemic made the issue more pressing as courtrooms began using online video conferencing platforms for other common practices. For instance, oral arguments for…

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