Susan LaPooh
Director of Testimony Capture
Susan is Director of Testimony Capture at Remote Legal, leading our team of talented digital reporters and voice writers. She has over 26 years of transcription experience, the majority of which has been spent specializing in legal transcription. As the previous owner of a small transcription business, Susan acquired the skills needed to manage a small business effectively, ensuring the delivery of timely and accurate transcripts while actively seeking efficiencies to enhance overall productivity. She is always looking for ways to improve the most important product we offer, the certified transcript, while also training top-notch, tech-enabled court reporters to provide excellent service in every proceeding held on Remote Legal.
Susan is a member of the board of directors of The American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers and sits on the Membership Committee. She is deeply committed to the field of court reporting, advocating that all reporters, regardless of their chosen reporting method, should uphold the highest standards of professionalism as guardians of the record.